The Charter Trustees for Harrogate


Minutes of the meeting held at the Civic Centre, Harrogate on Thursday 30 May 2024 commencing at 9.15 am.


Councillors:   Councillor Chris Aldred in the Chair.  Councillors Philip Broadbank, Sam Gibbs, Michael Harrison, Paul Haslam, Peter Lacey, Mike Schofield, Monika Slater and Andrew Timothy,


Officers present:   Karen Iveson, Assistant Director Finance (remote attendee); Jennifer Norton, Assistant Director Legal; Pamela Barnes, Mayor’s Secretary; Charlie Casey, Senior Democratic Services Officer and Elizabeth Jackson, Principal Democratic Services Officer.


Apologies: Councillor John Mann   






Apologies for Absence


The Charter Mayor, Councillor Michael Harrison, welcomed everyone to the meeting.  The Mayor also welcomed Councillor Andrew Timothy, the newly elected Councillor for Stray, Woodlands and Hookstone division, to his first meeting of the Charter Trustees.


An apology for absence had been received from Councillor John Mann.






Election of Charter Mayor


Moved by Councillor Michael Harrison                Seconded by Councillor Philip Broadbank


Resolved (unanimously) –


That Councillor Chris Aldred be elected Charter Mayor of Harrogate for 2024-2025.


The Charter Mayor made the declaration of acceptance of office.



The Charter Mayor, Councillor Chris Aldred, in the Chair







Election of Deputy Charter Mayor


Moved by Councillor Chris Aldred                           Seconded by Councillor Monica Slater


Resolved (unanimously) –


That Councillor Philip Broadbank be elected Deputy Charter Mayor of Harrogate for 2024-2025.


The Deputy Charter Mayor made the declaration of acceptance of office.






Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 December 2023


The Minutes of the meeting of the Charter Trustees held on 11 December 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.






Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were made at the meeting.






Charter Mayor's Report


The Mayor invited Councillor Michael Harrison, the outgoing Charter Mayor, to give an update on Mayoral activities undertaken since December.  Councillor Harrison began by thanking Councillor Aldred for being his Deputy, and thanked officers for their support during what had been an enjoyable year.  The Charter Mayor was a smaller role than the Borough Council Mayor and events attended were those of a civic nature where the Mayor would be expected to attend such as Remembrance Sunday or wreath laying, some community events and occasionally corporate events at HCC where visiting conferences had invited the Mayor.


The Mayor then thanked Councillor Harrison for his work during his year in office and undertaking the role so well, and he advised he would take the same approach to attendance at events.  The Mayor reported there was no cost to the council tax payer for the Mayor’s attendance at events.






Calendar of Meetings


Dates for meetings of the Charter Trustees for the remainder of the municipal year would be agreed with Members following the meeting.






Appointment of External Auditor


Considered –


A report by the Responsible Financial Officer for the Charter Trustees seeking approval for the appointment of the external auditor of the Charter Trustees through the national framework overseen by the Smaller Authorities’ Auditor Appointments body.


Resolved (unanimously) –


That the Charter Trustees for Harrogate agree the use of the Smaller Authorities’ Auditor Appointments framework for the appointment of the external auditor.






Any Other Items


There was no urgent business.





The meeting concluded at 9.36 am.




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